Data Discrepancies Between Reporting Surfaces in GA4

A guide to better understand and optimize reporting in GA4

Google Analytics has long been a trusted ally, offering valuable metrics and measurements for online success however, with the sunset of Universal Analytics, a new era has dawned. The future is GA4, and this whitepaper shines a light on the intricacies of data discrepancies between reporting surfaces in the new Analytics.

Covering three main areas of concern.

 What are Reporting Surfaces in GA4| Typical Warning Messages  | Solving Common Errors | plus the Expected Differences in Reporting Surfaces 

Curated by Incubeta’s Global Analytics Committee lead and Analytics Manager, Monika Mesnage, will guide you through the most common data discrepancies between reporting surfaces in GA4...

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"Each reporting surface in GA4 serves a distinct purpose and, as a result, handles data slightly differently. This can result in variations or discrepancies between the reporting surfaces"
"Google defines Reporting Surfaces as (1) Standard Reports, (2) API, (3) Explorations and (4) BigQuery. These four Reporting Surfaces present data in distinct manners, primarily because of variations in data aggregation and processing methods"
"Within GA4 reporting surfaces, there exists two distinct data sources - aggregated and raw. However, beyond these sources, several additional data treatments come into play, exerting an influence on GA4 data"

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