A Spotlight on Enhanced Conversions

One of the most important solutions to combat the loss of third-party cookies, Enhanced Conversions allow you to feed first-party data into Google to then leverage their knowledge of signed-in users. This gives you better visibility of your marketing spend, and allows you to optimize your bidding algorithms.

We Understand The Complexities of Data

Our approach to implementing Google's Enhanced Conversion solution includes:


We start by enabling Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads or Campaign Manager 360 account.


We validate implementation using Chrome Developer Tools - rigorously testing the implementation to ensure everything is working correctly.


We complete your Enhanced Conversions Setup within Google Tag Manager, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing systems.


Finally, we verify the Enhanced Conversions in your Google Ads or Search Ads 360 account to confirm accurate data tracking.

Success Story

Enhanced Conversions in Action with Sanlam

Through the implementation of Google’s Enhanced Conversions & PerformanceMax, Sanlam experienced a significant improvement in conversion tracking accuracy, witnessing notable advancements in campaign performance, including:

Designed Assets
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What Will Enhanced Conversions Do For You?

Sustain Campaign Performance: By adapting to consumer privacy choices, you can continue to optimize your campaigns without compromising on performance.

Maintain Accurate Conversion Tracking: Even without third-party cookies, you can ensure that your data remains reliable and actionable.

Boost ROI: Improved data accuracy leads to better decision-making and higher return on investment for your marketing efforts.

Enhanced Attribution and Bidding: Experience up to a 17% increase in YouTube and a 5% increase in Search conversion measurement, allowing for better campaign planning and budget optimization.

Useful Assets

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