Incubeta Predicts: Key Digital Forecasts & Considerations for 2023

"2023 will be the year for smart investments, productivity & disruption. Individuals are having to think ‘outside the box’ – & as such we’ll see an increase in innovative & disruptive concepts being born within the digital marketing space."

With 2022 nearly behind us we presented a survey to our team of digital specialists and leaders to gauge their opinions and thoughts on future trends for the coming year.

Amalgamating their responses the following whitepaper explores the themes and topics that are expected to take precedence throughout the following year, including:

Section 1: The Recession

Section 2: Privacy & First-Party Data

Section 3: Omnichannel Marketing; The Split Between Digital & Traditional

Section 4: A Sector Snapshot

Section 5: Sub Themes; Automation, Ecommerce, Social & Sustainability

Get ready for 2023 with Incubeta...

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